Trips and Visits

​​Trips and Visits

​Children often learn a great deal out of the classroom. However good the classroom environment, there is nothing like the first-hand experience for effective teaching.
We are very keen to give children regular trips out.

We are fortunate to be close to places of great historical interest, not to mention some of the leading galleries, museums and theatres in the country.

Examples of trips children experience at Walnut Tree Walk include to the Imperial War Museum, Tate Modern, Royal Albert Hall, Benjamin Franklin House, London Zoo, Godstone Farm, National Theatre, Hampton Court and the National Portrait Gallery, amongst many others.

Each year, Years 5 and 6 take part in workshops at Into University, an organisation that encourages children from a young age to have aspirations about going to university.

This culminates in a graduation ceremony at a real London university.
In Year 6 the children go on a school journey for five days.

Here they learn about getting on with other people and understanding themselves in relation to others, lessons that are important in life both in school and beyond.

​​If you would like to find out more about Walnut Tree Walk, then click the buttons here to either read our new school prospectus, or  contact us directly to arrange a visit. We look forward to meeting you.

If you would like to find out more about Walnut Tree Walk, then click the buttons here to either read our new school prospectus, or  contact us directly to arrange a visit. We look forward to meeting you.