At Walnut Tree Walk, we value the importance of Science in everything that we do. Our Science curriculum has been developed to not only meet the requirements of the National Curriculum, but to also deliver engaging and memorable learning experiences. We hope that this will lead to all children leaving our school with a love of science, the confidence to question the world around them and an appreciation of the natural world.

Our Intent:
1. To foster a love of science, through lots of memorable and enjoyable learning experiences. Allowing children to develop a sense of curiosity about natural phenomena and develop respect for the environment and living things, including themselves and each other.
2. To empower children to have the confidence and knowledge, to question the world around them.
3. To have a secure understanding of, and be able to use, key scientific vocabulary.
4. To equip children with the scientific knowledge and conceptional understanding to make informed decisions, now and later in life.
5. To develop children’s understanding of the 5 types of scientific enquiry, to enable them to be able to answer scientific questions, preparing them for their future journey into their science education.
Our Science topics covered in each year group are as follows: