Our Governors

We have a very well established and experienced Governing Body at Walnut Tree Walk.  The role of the governing body is to provide strategic management, and to act as a "critical friend", supporting the work of the headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and other staff. Our current governing body is made up of the following people:

Martin Bailey 

Chair of Governors

Martin has been a co-opted governor since 2019. Martin lives in Kennington close to the school and works in local government.

Wilf Thomas-Smith

Wilf has been a governor at WTW for over 15 years, and has been Chair for 11 years. Both his children attended the school and he was originally a parent governor before becoming co-opted.

Anna Semmens

Anna has been a governor since 2017 and is our Local Authority governor. Anna was previously a governor at a Lambeth secondary school before
joining us. Anna works at the Royal College of Nursing.

Alison Powell
Vice Chair

Alison became a parent governor in 2020. Alison’s daughter, Hannah, is in Year 6. Alison works in higher education at the London School of Economics.

Lilla Rebellato

Lilla is our newly   appointed parent  governor. Lilla’s son, Ethan, is in Year 3. Lilla is an experienced secondary school English and Drama teacher

Lawrence Lewis-Ackah

Lawrence joined the governing body in 2023. Lawrence works in the technology sector and also volunteers at Alford House youth club.

Catherine Thompson

Catherine is the elected staff member of the governing body. Catherine has been a governor since 2017. Catherine is the Year 4 teacher as well as the SENDCo in the school.

Andrew Chaplin Headteacher

As the headteacher, I form part of the governing body too. Sue and Connor, as Senior Leaders, can also attend meetings.

Louise Whitley

Parent Governor

Louise was elected as a parent governor in the summer of 2021. Louise has two children who attend the school (Zara in Y2 and Jack in Y5). Louise works at the House of Commons and is also a trustee at the Lollard Street Adventure Playground.

The Governing Body meets at least once every term for a full meeting. There are also sub-committees which look at particular issues such as curriculum, finance, and performance management and they meet more regularly.

All governors are informed about what happens at sub committee meetings. There are several categories of governor, appointed by different groups that have an interest in the school. 

These are Community governors, the Local Authority, Parents, and Staff. All governors have equal status, however they are appointed. If you are interested in becoming a Governor of the school please speak to an existing Governor or to the Headteacher.

Click to view Instrument of Government

Click to view School Governor Declaration of Interest

Click to view Governor Meeting Attendance

Click to view Governors Allowance Policy

Click to view Governors Attendance Policy



Andrew Chaplin

Head Teacher

Anna Semmens 

 Local Authority Governor

Martin Bailey

Chair of Governors, Co-opted Governor

Alison Powell

Vice Chair

Wilf Thomas-Smith

Co-opted Governor

Lawrence Lewis-Ackah

Co-opted Governor

Lilla Rebellato

Parent Governor

Louise Whitley

Parent Governor

Catherine Thompson

Staff Governor



Curriculum, Standards and Inclusion

Catherine Thompson

Alison Powell

Anna Semmens

Lawrence Lewis-Ackah

Finance, Resources and Pay

Wilf Thomas-Smith

Martin Bailey

Louise Whitley

If you would like to find out more about Walnut Tree Walk, then click the buttons here to either read our new school prospectus, or  contact us directly to arrange a visit. We look forward to meeting you.