School Clubs

Breakfast and After School Club

If you are a working parent and need additional childcare, we run a breakfast club from 8am each morning and an after school club until 5:45pm. These are open to children of all ages. The current daily prices for these are:

Breakfast Club: £3

After School Club: £10 (or £5 if picked up before 4:30pm)

These clubs are run by school staff, overseen by the school’s Senior Leadership Team.

Activity Clubs

We offer a range of after school activity clubs.

At the start of the term a club offer letter is sent out and you can apply for a place for the clubs that you are interested in.

There are a limited number of spaces in each club, and some are for specific year groups or key stages.

Clubs are currently £4 per session (but this cost is reduced to £1 for children in receipt of Free School Meals).

Summer Term 2025 Clubs:


  • KS2 Art
  • Year 5 and 6 Basketball
  • KS1 Drama
  • KS2 Football


  • KS2 Dance
  • KS2 Drama
  • KS1 Art
  • KS2 Coding


  • KS1 Ballet
  • KS2 Multisport
  • KS2 Orchestra


  • KS1 Football
  • KS1 Spanish
  • KS2 Yoga


  • KS1 Multisport
  • Choir

Please note that all clubs finish at 4:30pm except for Spanish which finishes at 4:15pm. 

Please click the link to view the privacy policy for wraparound clubs as set out by the DfE: 

If you would like to find out more about Walnut Tree Walk, then click the buttons here to either read our new school prospectus, or  contact us directly to arrange a visit. We look forward to meeting you.