We hope that parents always feel welcome at our school. Your child’s class teacher will be happy to chat to you briefly at the start and end of the day if needed, or if you want to talk about something in more detail or in confidence, we can arrange a suitable time.
The Headteacher is also always available at the start and end of every day in the playground, or an appointment can be made.
We have an active PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends Association) who meet regularly to discuss fundraising and social events. Everybody is welcome at these meetings and we are always happy to hear new ideas and welcome new parents.
Early Years Online Learning Journal
In the Nursery and Reception, an online learning journal called Tapestry is used as a way for parents and carers to see what their children have been doing in school as well as for parents and carers to share what their children do outside of school. This can be accessed securely via an app or on a computer.
In order for us to set up an account, we need parents and carers to sign a usage agreement.
Each Monday, the class teachers send home a ‘What we are doing in class’ newsletter that explains what the children will be learning in Literacy and Maths, as well as any important messages for parents and carers.

The teachers also send home a termly newsletter outlining key information for the term.
In addition to these, the Headteacher sends home a fortnightly school newsletter sharing important dates and what has been happening across the school.