Our Geography curriculum aims to provide children with an understanding of the people, places and environments of the world around them, and how these relate to one another.
Our Intent:
1. To inspire in children a curiosity and fascination to discover more about the world we live in and its people
2. To enable children to know about the location of the world’s continents, countries, cities, seas and oceans.
3. To develop in children the skills of interpreting a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs etc
4. To help children understand how the human and physical features of a place shapes it location and can change over time.
5. To provide our children with the subject specific vocabulary they need to describe, question and discuss the world, as well as their place in it. Our pupils are encouraged to recognise that they have a voice and to use it confidently to debate topics that they feel passionate about, for example, deforestation or renewable energy.
6. We aim to produce well- rounded individuals by providing our children with opportunities to expand their cultural capital and experiences of the world.
Through a range of Geography topics outlined in the Learning Journey below the children use enquiry skills to gain place knowledge, locational knowledge, map and fieldwork skills and an understanding of human, physical and environmental processes.
This sequence of learning within our Geography curriculum enables children to ask questions, research and make links to further their understanding and build on their previous knowledge.
The children are given the opportunity to apply fieldwork skills and gain real experience of the geography of our local area and wider area of the city of London as well as visiting Downe village to make comparisons with a contrasting area of the UK.