Our curriculum allows children to get fully absorbed into their learning and make links between subjects, topics and themes. We constantly review our curriculum in order for it to be relevant and of interest to the children, providing them with the knowledge and skills they need for the next stages of their lives after primary school.
We have families from many parts of the world, speaking many languages, with a tremendous diversity of cultural, religious, historical and geographical experience. We aim to ensure that our curriculum draws on all this richness.
Art at Walnut Tree Walk is taught within our cross-curricular topics, but as distinct Art lessons with clear Art learning outcomes and skills. Our aims are to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for Art; providing a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum; ensuring the progressive development of knowledge and skills; and for the children to develop a confidence in discussing artwork and a love for art. Our Art Lead, Sam, teaches Art across KS1 and KS2.
Our intent:
1. To develop confidence, fun and a creative mind-set.
2. To ensure children leave Primary school with an appreciation of different genres in art.
3. To experience a range of diverse artists and develop a visual vocabulary when discussing artwork.
4. To enrich learning through visiting galleries and museums and show an appreciation of art in the wider community.
5. To develop skills in all genres so that artwork can show progression.

Music and Performing Arts
Music and the Performing Arts play a very important and valued part of life at Walnut Tree Walk and the outstanding provision here enables children to explore a range of ways to express themselves.

We have three specialist music teachers, Daniel, Del and Sue, who teach the children singing and instrumental work. In the Early Years the lessons focus on singing and use of percussion instruments and then as they move into Years 1 and 2, they start to learn to play the keyboard or violin. In Key Stage 2, the children learn to play either the saxophone, flute, clarinet, violin, keyboard or guitar. Children have a half hour lesson each week, typically in groups of 4 to 6 pupils. In the summer term the children use the skills they have learnt in the previous terms to work on their own compositions. We also have weekly singing assemblies as well as a school orchestra. Our Dance Teacher, Emanuela, teaches dance to KS2 classes every week.

Our Friday morning assemblies take pride of place in the life of the school. Each class in turn performs usually two assemblies a year. They may be based on current work or on a topical issue. We view the process of working towards these performances as crucial to our children’s social, emotional and educational development.
Our intent for Music:
1. To have a secure understanding of, and be able to use, key music vocabulary.
2. Ensuring children leave Primary School with sufficient opportunity and experiences in performing arts.
3. To foster an appreciation and love of music and performing.
4. To have an equal opportunity and access to instruments and high-quality specialist music teaching.
5. To develop a clear sense of who they are and be able to express themselves through performing arts.