Curriculum Map and Journey of Learning at WTW

We constantly review our curriculum in order for it to be relevant and of interest to the children, providing them with the knowledge and skills they need for the next stages of their lives after primary school. The knowledge and skills the children need to learn have been carefully sequenced, and the summary of their learning journey is below:

The curriculum is designed to be exciting and relevant to the children in our community, ensuring that each child is motivated and engaged.  Our aim is to ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential.  

We have families from many parts of the world, speaking many languages, with a tremendous diversity of cultural, religious, historical and geographical experience. We aim to ensure that our curriculum draws on all this richness. 

Below is an overview of the topics covered in each year group. For more detail about what each topic covers, please click on the relevant year group.

Nursery (1)

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

1st half

All About Me

Colour and Shape

Under The Sea

2nd half

Traditional Stories

Nursery Rhymes


Nursery (2)

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

1st half

Where We Live

Let's Make Music

Traditional Stories

2nd half


People Who Help Us

In The Garden (Inc mini beasts)


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

1st half

All About Me

All Around Us

Where in the World

2nd half


Fantasy Worlds

Games / Minibeasts


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Year 1

Home Sweet Home

All Aboard!

Heads, Shoulders,Knees and Toes

Walking with Dinosaurs


In the Garden!

Year 2

Singing in the Rain!

King of the Castle

School Days and   Off We Go!

I Need a Hero!

Year 3

Bright Lights, Big City

Through The Ages 

Ancient Egypt

Year 4

Beyond the City

Raiders and Invaders

Carnival: A Study of South America

It's a Beautiful World

Year 5

Ancient Greece

Amazing Africa

Significant Lives, Significant Times

Year 6


Britain at War

We Are All Born Free

My Changing World

If you would like to find out more about Walnut Tree Walk, then click the buttons here to either read our new school prospectus, or  contact us directly to arrange a visit. We look forward to meeting you.